Saturday, 23 May 2015


For my screen I had to do tracings, I decided that I wanted two screens, one with the full design and one with shading. 

First I did three photocopies of my design and masking taped them together in a line so they repeated. And then masking taped this to the table face up.

My photocopied design:

I then got some Kodatrace paper and invisible tape and stuck the paper together to cover my design and masking taped it to the table on top of my design. I then got a photopake pen and traced my design onto the Kodatrace paper as seen below.

I then put another layer of Kodatrace paper on top of my design and did some shading with a kimoto pencil as seen below.

It took me approximately 8 hours to do this as I had to go over some pieces so that they would expose onto my screen.

Its quite a easy process but takes a while to do. It is also tiring tracing over the same design over and over but it is rewarding one you get to print your design for the first time. As seen in my next blog x

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