Sunday, 23 March 2014

Repeat printing

During this lesson I learnt about what repeat patterns are and how to make them. We started off with a quick exercise.

Simple pattern

This first pattern was quite simple to make it easy. We had to cut the pattern which was already a square into 4 equally sized squares and label the pieces A, B, C, D. Then I had to swap the pieces A, D and B, C with each other to show the pattern stays the same even though I swapped the pieces. After that I had to put my pieces together with everyone else on my table. Then I had to do the same with another two more complex patterns.

Complex pattern 1

Complex pattern 2

Then I had to have a go at doing my own quick repeat pattern. So getting a piece of paper I folded the corner over until it made a square, then I cut the bottom off of the paper so I was left with the square. Then I folded the paper into 4 and drew a design on the paper. After that I cut it into 4 and labeled them A, B, C, D and swapped them like the other patterns and taped them together. This was my final result:

My repeat pattern

I then photocopied my pattern to see if it would work on a larger scale and this is the result:

Repeat pattern on a large scale

Its not a very good design because it was a quick exercise to learn how to make repeat patterns myself. It did work though and i'm glad I was able to get the hang of it. It was a very informative exercise and I will have to use this knowledge for my final piece as I have to make my own repeat pattern. Hopefully I will come up with some great ideas.

Thanks for reading x

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