This post is on another new knitting stitch called knit one purl one rib that I have focused on to find a flatter stitch that I could possibly print onto. I got taught this stitch by my nanan as she loves knitting and I needed a teacher that would show me how to do new stitches.
This particular stitch was quite easy to learn as I had already learnt how to do the knit stitch and purl stitch (refer back to earlier posts to learn these stitches). It was challenging when trying to alternate between the two stitches but I managed to get the hang of it quite quickly once it was explained and demonstrated a few times.
Close up of Knit one purl one rib
First for this stitch you cast on, then knit one stitch and purl one stitch until you are at the end of the row remember what stitch you are on so you don't go wrong. Then remembering the last stitch you were on at the end of the row start with that same stitch and continue alternating between those stitches. This is basically all you do until you come to cast off, when casting of you continue with both stitches and do as normal.
You can also tell what stitch you have just done as there will either be a bobble where you have purled or a knit.
Sample - Knit a line purl a line and knit one purl one rib
I found this stitch very useful as it did not curl up at its edges and it also looked very neat. It was easy and therapeutic to do and I will hopefully print on it for a sample piece.